steel staircases

As mentioned in a new Concrete post, the organization both manufacture and provide bespoke precast concrete staircases to match your job’s precise requirements.
Though those boast numerous advantages, such as excellent sound insulating material and being fast and simple to install, now the staff is outlining how just concrete shapes up from the steel in regards to staircases.


Please see below to get a four-point breakdown about price, fire resistance, rust and sustainability:


Through time, the worth of steel has escalated, whereas the price of purchasing precast concrete has mostly remained steady. In attempting to always offer you dependable products in a reasonable cost,  Concrete continues to make sure that their whole assortment of precast concrete stair components and landings are competitively priced.

Fire immunity

Despite steel being inherently non-combustible, its potency could be hugely reduced when it’s heated to elevated temperatures, so leaving it demanding to be wrapped in extra curricular substances to boost security. Concrete, on the other hand, owns the greatest fire-resistance classification (class AI) beneath EN 13501-1:2007- A1:2009, making concrete staircase a secure wager.


When handled with care and correctly assembled, precast concrete staircases won’t corrode. This can’t be stated for metal staircases as erosion can happen when they come in contact with water. Because of rust possibly affecting the safety of a construction, this introduces a huge safety concern for staircases.


Sustainability is 1 parameter where the two construction substances come out on top, together with steel and concrete being recyclable and causing minimal impact to the surroundings. The prior could be crushed and used in prospective combinations, and approximately 90 percent of their time, the latter is now created from recycled steel.

Rudolf Bitodel the owner and glass balustrade installer, is a journalist turned blogger who has become obsessed with glass balustrade construction. He leads an experienced team of passionate professionals dedicated to helping homeowners build their dream homes without the typical hassles of traditional home improvement projects. His team collaborates with trusted, licensed, and insured tradespeople who deliver high-quality work and excellent customer service.

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